Fingerprint Identification Card

Fingerprints are like a human identity card. So far, no one has found two people with the same fingerprints. Fingerprints of even identical twins may differ from one another. We have applied this unique human characteristic to the card manufacturing process to increase the security of the card.

Biometric VISA / Mastercard fingerprint card payment provides simple, secure and personal authentication for all. The card uses fingerprint recognition in lieu of PIN codes and signatures. By placing a finger on the card’s embedded sensor module, the user’s fingerprint data is securely stored on the card and matched to the card’s own fingerprint authentication before the card can be activated. This way, you don’t have to worry about the possibility of credit card fraud if you lose your card or if your card is out of your possession. By using fingerprint recognition technology, you can ensure the security of your transactions.

Applications: biometric fingerprint access cards, special data cards for police and household authorities, medical cards for the physically and mentally challenged in social welfare institutions, employee or student ID cards, personal bank cards

Introduction for Credit Card application

Structure of Biometrics Card


Fingerprint data processed

GDPR by construct – merchants, banks or IDEX do not have access to biometric credentials

Real fingerprint image is never stored on the card

During enrollment, sensor captures the image and stores an encrypted data in the secure element

Encrypted data is not accessible, and it never leaves the card

Even if the data is retrieved, it cannot be reverse engineered  

Off-cloud,  avoiding hacking and cyber attacks

IDEX software ensures fingerprint authentication can only be performed by genuine cardholder. It even performs liveliness detection.

Enrollment(I) — Suites for scaled bank launches

Activation Pad 

(at home)

Mobile App Enrolment In Branch Enroll as you Pay

 at merchant POS

Embedded enrolment in issuer/bank welcome letter

Integrated with bank mobile app

Currently available for Android and IOS

Enrollment tablet or ID Card reader –  fingerprint templates integrated with bank interface

In market test stage with Mastercard


Enrollment(III) — Activation PAD

Innovative and yet practical solution to maximize mobile fingerprint registration performance

  • Special ink embedded into the welcome
  • letter to amplify phone signal and generate sufficient power for fingerprint activation
  • Covers almost all NFC enabled phone make / model
  • Can be folded and fit into a regular mail envelope*
  • Compatible with industry standard printing and enveloping machines
  • Customizable for issuer branding
  • Cost effective

Issuer Implementation Steps