Bank Card Manufacturing for Banks and Financial Institutions

PRODUCTION OF BANK CARDS Bank card manufacturing is our core expertise, providing cards with chips and innovative solutions for banks and financial organizations. Our cards provide a high level of security and personalization through the use of modern technologies such as Chip and Inlay Embedding, Wire Soldering, and Samsung chips, ensuring card durability and reliability.…

Innovative Payment Solutions in Smart Toys: 3D E-Wallet Card

In the era of digital transformation of financial services, it is crucial to create innovative solutions that not only meet modern technological requirements but also consider the needs of different user groups. Our company presents a unique development – payment smart toys that combine the functionality of bank cards with the appeal of children’s toys.…

Biometrics Card – Fingerprint Identification

Fingerprint Identification Card Fingerprints are like a human identity card. So far, no one has found two people with the same fingerprints. Fingerprints of even identical twins may differ from one another. We have applied this unique human characteristic to the card manufacturing process to increase the security of the card. Biometric VISA / Mastercard…